When you think of the classic ponytail, you only think of two things: plain and convenient.

Ponytails are perfect for when you don’t want to deal with your hair during the summers. You don’t want your hair getting in the way when you’re running around.

You don’t want excessive sweating causing your hair to stick to your forehead and the back of your neck.

The last thing you’d think of when you think about ponytails is creating a stylish and chic look. But that’s exactly what bubble ponytails do!

If you want to spice up your look this summer, try these amazing bubble ponytails:

The Classic Bubble Ponytail

Bubble Ponytail 2

This look is perfect for work and even as an everyday look.

Start by using a paddle brush to remove any tangles and knots you might have in your hair and extensions. Then brush your hair back and gather it into a low ponytail.

Secure it with an elastic band. Then move two inches down and add another elastic band. Repeat this until the end and voila, you’re done!

Wasn’t that very easy?

This is our classic go-to look when we’re in a hurry and need something stylish and chic, yet effortless!

The Side Bubble Ponytail

This look is very easy to create and will most likely take 2 minutes. Brush your hair with a paddle brush to get rid of any tangles from your hair and extensions. Then start brushing your hair from the side (start from the back of your ears) and gather your hair to one side.

Tie a low ponytail and secure it with an elastic band. Then move down two inches and add another elastic band. The process is the same as the classic bubble ponytail.

What we love most about this hairstyle is that it mimics a braid. So, it’s like a faux braid but more fun and chic!

It’s also perfect for formal events and parties. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add a hair accessory as well. We personally love going with a flower headband but you can go with anything you like!

The Bubble Pigtails

If you don’t like the Dutch braid look then you can try the bubble pigtails! The process for these is the same as the classic bubble ponytail and the side one.

Except, you need to divide your hair into two sections and create a bubble ponytail on both sides. What we love about this look is that it’s bold and daring. You can even tie the ponytails with a ribbon instead of elastic bands.

Get creative and feel free to experiment!

And that’s it for our bubble ponytail hairstyles guide! Remember that there’s no rule that you have to go with one look. You can experiment and come up with your own hairstyles (but do share it with us!)

If you want to touch up your hair extensions, feel free to stop by our hair salon Houston. We also offer hair installation services.

We use premium Russian hair extensions. This means they will last for years to come. And when you come back for a consultation after 3 months, they’ll still be in great shape!

Furthermore, we also offer hair restoration services.

Feel free to reach out to us and book an appointment today!